Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken
The ordinanance ’Landsverordening van de 21ste augustus 2008 houdende regels met betrekking tot de structuur van het overleg inzake aangelegenheden van algemeen belang betreffende de rechtstoestand van ambtenaren’ (Landsverordening Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken; National Ordinanance of August 21st, 2008 containing regulations related to the structure of the consultation concerning matters of general interest with regards to the legal position of public servants), as published (P.B. 2008, no. 70), became effective on December 5, 2008.
This ordenance regulates the structure of institutionalized social dialogue between the government, as employer, and union representatives of public servants, where parties discuss and reach mutual consensus on relevant topics with regards to the legal position and working conditions of the public servants.
The ordenance ‘Landsverordening Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken’ was originally designed for the country Netherlands Antilles. Effective October 10, 2010, when Curaçao acquired its status as an autonomuos country within the Dutch Kingdom, this ordenance was transfered to the country of Curaçao.


Transfer of CCvV Chairmanship to Ms. Ayary Fecunda of SAP
Willemstad, May 6, 2024 – During the monthly meeting of the Central Commission of Trade Unions (CCvV) held on May 3rd last, Mr. Wendy Calmes of the ABVO union transferred the chairmanship of the CCvV to Mrs. Ayary Fecunda of the SAP union.
Date of meeting
The covenants are only available in Dutch.