Seminar: Social Dialogue and Labour relations; Trends and Perspectives in Public Sectors in the Sub Region and Across Regions

Nov 19, 2018

In the framework of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the ordenance GOA, a seminar entitled

Seminar and workshop on the latest trends and devolpments in the field of social dialogue and labor relations in the public sector will be organized.

Willemstad, 19 of November 2018 – To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the ordenance which institutionalized a platform of bipartite dialogue between the government, as employer, and the representatives of government employees, unified in a Central Commission for Unions (CCvV), this platform, known as CGOA (Centraal georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken), will organize a seminar in the auditorium of the Univerity Dr. Moises da Costa Gomez on Thursday 6 of December 2018.

The theme of the seminar will be “Social Dialogue and Labour Relations; Trends and Perspectives in the Public Sector in the Sub Region and Across the Regions”. Speakers and special guests of the International Labour Organization (ILO) will give their viewpoint on the latest developments regarding social dialogue and its impact on labour relations in the public sector. Based on best practices in the Caribbean and other parts of the world, they will elaborate on mechanisms and thoughts on how to structure a more effective social dialogue.

The seminar is intended for a selective audience. After the seminar there will be a workshop, exclusively for the parties in the CGOA, in which they will go more in-depth on the challenges and opportunities with regards to a more effective and effienct functioning of the platform CGOA.

The workshop will be facilitated by an expert of the ILO in the field of social dialogue and labour administration.