Workshop about the functioning of the platform of social dialogue of CGOA

Dec 11, 2018

Willemstad, 11 of December 2018 – To obtain a more efficient and effective functioning of the bilateral platform of social dialogue between the government, as employer, and union representatives of government employees, known as CGOA (Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken), a workshop was organized on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 of December in the meeting room Wayaka at the World Trade Center (WTC).

The workshop in which participated Mr. Armin Konket, the Minister of Governance, Planning and Public services, (BPD) and the members of the Central Commission of Unions (CCvV) in the CGOA, was chaired by the President of CGOA prof.dr.eng.Valdemar Marcha and facilitated by Rainer Pritzer, an expert in the field of social dialogue and Labor Administration of the Internashonal Labour Organization (ILO).

During the workshop the parties expressed their concerns related to the current functioning of the platform, which is institutionalized by law, and ideas were exchanged on mechanisms and approaches on how to improve the level and quality of the social dialogue which is conducted by CGOA.

As facilitator Mr. Pritzer elaborated extensively on the necessary requirements on how to conduct a fruitful and effective social dialogue. Furthermore, the expert of German descent talked about the standards that social parties need to maintain, based on the principles of ILO, to obtain concrete results for the benefit of the ones they represent and consequently, a more efficient functioning of the government.

At the end of the workshop the parties agreed that on the 20th of December, a meeting of CGOA will be organized during which they will elaborate more extensively on the interpretation of the law of CGOA, which in the recent past it was a reason for a lot of controversies between the parties.

On the picture: the participants at the workshop.