Reporting to International Labour Organization (ILO)

Aug 29, 2018

Reporting to International Labour Organization (ILO) on compliance with Convention 151 of ILO (labour working conditions in the public sector)

Willemstad, 29 of August 2018 –On the 22nd of August, the Government of Curaçao sent, by means of a letter signed  by the Prime Minister Mr. Eugene Rhuggenaath, an extensive report to the head quarters of International Labour Organization (ILO), located in Geneva,  Switzerland, in which is reported the compliance by Curaçao  with the different conventions of ILO, which was ratified by Curaçao, among which convention number 151 regarding working conditions in the public sector (‘Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978 (no151)

The convention of ILO number 151 was ratified by Curaçao in May 2016. For the integral text of the ‘Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978 (no151) visit the following site on the digital network:

It is the first time Curaçao is reporting on this convention. For the preparation of the report, the Central Commission of Unions (CCvV), as a partner in the platform of CGOA and based on article 4, paragraph 1, of the ordinance ‘Landsverordering GOA’, gave a written contribution on behalf of the government, to the Minister of Social Development, Labour and Welfare (SOAW), to send forward to the head quarters of ILO as part of the final report, after the approval of the Minister’s Council.

In the report relating to the Convention 151, that finally was sent to the headquarter of the International labour Organization in Geneva, is stated that in general terms Curaçao is complying with this convention based on among others the following considerations:

  • That since 2008 exists a legal framework, in the form of a national ordinance (‘Landsverordening GOA), that governs the social dialogue with the Government regarding subjects of general interest which concern legal position of government employees;
  • That this dialogue takes place in an institutionalized platform in which Government, represented by the Minister of Governance, Planning and Public Service (PBD), with the representation of 5 union organizations that are considered as representatives (unified in CCvV)  on general themes
    concerning legal position of government employees;
  • That between 2008 up to now different conventions has been agreed on and signed, particularly during 2014 and 2015, between parties on different themes related to among others the legal position of the government employees and  the optimization of the functioning of the  Government apparatus.
  • That during 2017, the platform of CGOA met 13 times;
  • That during 2017 CCvV met 28 times and
    During that year 3 meetings of the institutions established by the parties,  were held.