
Based on article 4, paragraph 1 of the ‘Landsverordening Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken’; there is the Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken (CGOA) which consists of two parties. On one side the government, represented by the Minister of Governance, Planning and Public Service (BPD) and on the other side the Central Comission of the Trade Unions (CCvV).  In the CGOA’s dialogue discussions are on matters of general interest with regards to the legal position of the government employees, including general policy for government employees.

The obligation to sustain social dialogue is also established in article 10, paragraph 1, of the ordenance, which stipulates that the Minister cannot take any decision regarding subjects of general interest concerning legal position of the government employees without sustaining a dialogue and/or consultation.

Therefore, governmental decisions on matters related to legal positions of government employees can only be made after a dialogue and/or consultations has taken place in the meeting sessions of CGOA and after the parties have reached a mutual consensus. This is established in a covenant, signed by the parties and also by the President of the CGOA. In any case, the content of the covenant will be made public by the President of the CGOA in consultation with the parties.