“Centrum Arbeidsverhoudingen Overheidspersoneel (CAOP)” discuss with the Secretariat SER/CGOA

May 28, 2019

“Centrum Arbeidsverhoudingen Overheidspersoneel (CAOP)” discuss with the Secretariat SER/CGOA on the law to standardize the legal position of the government employees the so-called “Standardization of the legal position of public employees”

Willemstad, 21 of May 20219 – The main goal of the law for standardization of legal position of public employees in the Netherlands (WNRA) is to achieve two-sided and equivalence work relationship. This fits better with today’s labor relations and offers a better starting point for a more solid trust. Also the assumption is that civil law appears to be more suitable to resolve labor disputes within the public sector. Therefore, it is perhaps valuable to also start the discussion about standardization on Curaçao with the participation of all stakeholders involved, in particular the government and the government labor unions.

The abovementioned is what Mr. Marko Sikkel and Mr. Alphons de Lange of CAOP recommended during the meeting on Friday 17 May 2019 with the Director / Secretary-General and a few senior advisors of the Secretariat of SER and CGOA. Mr. Sikkel and Mr. De Lange said that the process is certainly not an easy one and has been in operation in the Netherlands for several years. The representatives of CAOP are on our island these days for consultations with relevant governmental bodies, in particular in the judicial chain, like the coast guard, on topics such as more employee participation and the influence of the trade unions on this.

In May last year, Mr. Sikkel and Mr. De Lange had a meeting with a few advisors of the Secretary office of the SER and CGOA. Here, they focused on the need to give further substance to Article 22, second paragraph, of the Constitution of Curaçao. According to that paragraph, National Ordinance sets rules regarding the legal position of workers, and their protection while working, as well as employee participation.  In the first place they discussed the subject of employee participation. Regarding the subject of employee participation, it would be good if it took some formal shape this year, for example, in the services of the government of Curaçao. In my opinion the unions are open for this, “said Mr. Sikkel.

During the exchange with the Secretary of SER/CGOA this year, different issues were addressed, such as ‘which problems does the WNRA solve, what will the individual civil servant notice of the WNRA, why was the Civil Servants Act introduced in 2017, what does the WNRA mean for the trade unions and the advisory councils of employers. The subject of standardization of the legal status of civil servants is very timely and interesting, but it is also very complex. Consequently, it requires profound investigation. The feasibility and desirability of this should be addressed responsibly within the context of our country, according to Director / Secretary-General Mr. Raul Henriquez.

After the meeting Mr. Henriquez expressed his appreciation for the work that the CAOP is doing in Curaçao and indicated that he would certainly consider  the invitation from the Director of the CAOP Mr. Philip Geelkerken to further exchange ideas on the current topic ‘Meaningful work’ (Betekenisvol Werk).

On the picture from left to right: Mrs. Miloushka Sboui-Racamy (senior legal advisor), Mr. Raul Henriquez (Director/Secretary-General), Mr. Marko Sikkel (CAOP), Mrs. Sharlyn Villareal-Curial (sr. legal advisor), Mr. Alphons de Lange (CAOP), Ms. Sonja Boersema (sr. advisor/economist) and Ms. Barbara Perquin (senior legal advisor/non Western sociologist).

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