Employee’s participation in Curaçao

Dec 3, 2019

Is it a luxury or a need?

On Thursday 5 of December, CAOP (The Netherlands) on behalf of CGOA (Curaçao), will hold an interactive session on employees’ participation. On behalf of the CAOP will be present as keynote speakers Mr. Marco Sikkel and Mr. Alphons de Lange. For many years, both gentlemen have been intensively involved with the development of employees’ participation in Curaçao and the other islands of the Dutch Caribbean as well.

The purpose of the interactive session is to give the parties in the CGOA and also other social parties inside as well as outside the public sector new ideas on the developments in the field of employees’ participation, control and participation in the work field.
In this session there will be opportunity to discuss forms or combination of forms of employee participation, which one would be the most efficient in the specific social-cultural context of Curaçao.

This interactive session will take place in the Wayaca room at the World Trade Center (WTC) and will start at half past five in the afternoon and will last for two hours.